How to create a professional user manual

A user manual combines textual and visual information to help users understand and use a product correctly. Therefore, user guides mainly respond to HOW questions or procedural information such as how to get it started, use it safely, get its different features to work, and solve the issues. Besides, it deals with WHAT questions and provides conceptual information such as what is the product, what are its main features and functions, what is its primary purpose, what are the risks, what are the possible issues, and so on. Accordingly, a good manual should address procedural and conceptual information in plain and non-technical language and with a appropriate tone of voice  for users. Moreover, the manual should be to the point and include only relevant information to the target users.

What are the three main elements of a user instruction manual?

Generally, you need to take care of three main aspects of a user manual to make it as understandable and helpful as possible: Structure and Style, components, and content. 


1. Structure and style of a user manual

Format and structure are essential elements in writing a professional user manual that helps users find and follow the information they need quickly. Considering the fact that the primary purpose of a user manual is to give instruction, it is necessary to adopt a good writing style and make the manual as clear and easy to follow as possible with proper use of all elements used in instructions, including headings, special notices and highlights, lists, tables, and visuals. The following are essential elements you should consider regarding the style and structure of a user manual:

  • Headings: Plan and organize titles properly to mark off crucial information and help users find them easily
  • Lists: Numbers and bulleted lists are perfect ways to help users scan information quickly.
  • Tables: Organize relevant statistical information or other detailed references in the form of tables to be easily accessed.
  • Special Notices: You can use special notices to emphasize and draw users' attention to specific points such as warnings, cautions, and other notes to make users aware of potential issues or dangers.
  • Highlights: To emphasize a notable point, apply a standard and consistent method of highlighting throughout the text, which could be characterized by features like making the text bold, italics, underlined or using alternate fonts, colors, and so on)
  • Instructional pattern: Use the standard design and outline of instructions. It mainly referred to task-oriented headings and sections and numbered vertical lists specifying steps for each course of action the users must follow.
  • Visuals: Use a standard and consistent way of presenting visuals to clarify key components or activities.

2. Components of a user manual

Here's a list of the most common components in creating a professional manual. A user manual might include all or some of the following sections depending on the product type. There is no strict standard and Different companies might use other orders for their products:
  1. Cover Pages (Including both front and back covers)
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page or Edition Notice
  4. Terms and Conditions/Disclaimers
  5. Trademarks
  6. Warranties/Guarantees
  7. License Agreements
  8. Table of Contents (Including a list of figures and tables)
  9. Safety Considerations
  10. Introduction/Preface
  11. Overview
  12. Information on the Product
  13. Parts Lists/Accessories
  14. Technical Description
  15. Instructions
  16. Appendices
  17. Glossary
  18. Index
  19. Feedback section
  20. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  21. Troubleshooting
  22. Company/ Business Contact Information

3. Content of a user manual

The following list shows the main content that forms a user manual:
  • Instructions: Instruction is an essential purpose, referring to those step-by-step guides explaining how to proceed with assembling or installing, operating, and troubleshooting a product. In some cases, a manual may also address instructions regarding a product's maintenance, repair, and disposal. Instructions should follow a sequential format and be task-oriented, denoting each step in a numbered or bulleted line with related instructions grouped into chapters. 
  • Safety warnings: Through safety and precautionary information, the company makes the users aware of potential dangers in case of misusing the product through warnings and cautions and removes its liability.
  • Reference and statistical information: User manuals usually include a lot of reference information which is best organized in tables. However, if these references are extensive, you might want to have them in appendices or a separate document to accompany your user manual.
  • Basic information: Occasionally, some tutorials might familiarize users with the product. 
  • About the product: User manuals provide a brief product description, including the name, model number, purpose, main features and functions, and main elements.
  • Technical background: Some User manuals also provide technical specifications about how the product works and some physical or chemical elements necessary for its operation.

Creating a professional user manual from scratch is intimidating, so using templates is enormously time-saving and helpful. Here at Sonat, we are standing beside you to make your journey in writing a fantastic manual, shorter, smoother, and more fun. Start creating your user manual using Sonat's Free User Manual Template and its specialized documentation tool.