What exactly is a user manual and why is it so important?

User Manual Definition and its equivalents

User manuals could be in different forms, such as user instructions, user guides, quick start guides, getting started guides, or technical documentation.

A user manual is a step-by-step guide providing information on assembling, installing, and using a product. It has an introduction to its primary functions, features, and troubleshooting in plain language to help non-technical people properly use the product.

User manuals are vital documents accompanying almost any product or service, from kitchen appliances to different vehicles.

Training, operational, technical, installation and software manuals are other terms you might encounter regarding user documentation which are often used interchangeably with the user manual, regardless of their slight differences in meaning, application, and target audience.



What is the importance of user manuals?

A user manual or guide is necessary for every business offering a product or service. Besides the primary goal of a user manual, which is assisting your users with the safe and effective use of your product, a manual is essential and beneficial to your business for several other reasons. 

Here we analyze the main points that will lead to the importance of having good user documentation:


1. Stay out of legal Issues

It is essential in today's world to support your customers with an easy-to-follow guide that precisely addresses all they need to know before using it.

Considering legal issues is particularly crucial when it comes to products that might harm your users or cause significant consequences in case of misuse. A good user manual could inform users about how to use the product safely and warn them of any potential danger of its abuse.

Therefore, it helps both users to know safety warnings, not to get hurt, and the manufacturers to discharge from legal liability in such incidents. Otherwise, you'd be fully liable for people getting hurt while using your product, and even if you win the case in court, it is still a significant threat to your brand and reputation. 

As soon as people lose their trust in your company, they will be discouraged from buying services.   


Read about every rule you need for creating a user manual.


2. Saving Time

A professional user guide could save a lot of time for your company’s employees, salespeople, and end-users. 

Customer Support's Time

A perfectly organized user manual rich in components and content makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for and solve many of their problems by themselves.

It brings your users to a point where they won't need to contact customer service for every simple question that crosses their minds or commonplace issues they may encounter while using the product. Therefore, it saves you and your customers a lot of time, contributing to their satisfaction even more.


Employees and Engineers’ Time

Along with your users, engineers, and other employees related to your business would suffer if you do not provide a user manual or settle down with a sloppy one.

Imagine new employees/engineers join your team, they'll try to get an overview of some unfamiliar product line aspects. Or other engineers on your team integrate a specific product into a more extensive system, or even a salesperson struggling to understand the product to explain it to the customers. In all such situations, a well-written manual can act as a quick guide and even sales literature for salespeople to help them find their way fast and efficiently.


3. Achieve your marketing goals


Convince users to purchase new products and updates

It would be much more challenging to persuade users to purchase updated versions of a product when they are satisfied with a similar one. However, a good user instruction manual by outlining product functions and features can be pretty helpful in encouraging customers to purchase new products and updates.


Improve search rank and generate leads

You could also use your product documentation to apply SEO strategies and generate more leads from search engines.


Improve company image

Overall, great user documentation gives users a better experience, shows them you care about their needs, and makes them feel appreciated. It helps create and maintain a great company image and increases customer loyalty.


You’re Invited To check the full features of our online manual creator. Features


Considering the importance and benefits of a well-crafted manual, using a reliable and specialized platform to create perfect user instruction is a must. Sonat helps you create great technical documentation and optimize your content for your marketing goals in one place. It will ensure you everything is right and avoid the adverse effects of a bungled manual. Moreover, Sonat's User Manual Templates save you a lot of time on the road to writing a professional user guide.    

Sign up for Absolutely Free and start drafting your user manual with the help of a free and ready-to-use Manual Template right now.



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