Articles and News About Online Manual


Top 13 rules to create a user manual

A manual is primarily created to support the users, mainly by giving instructions about how to use a product and how to solve the problems. The significance of user manuals is now apparent to every business delivering a service or product.


Write a professional manual using free user manual templates

Sonat offers you free user manual templates, logically structured and designed, containing all the necessary sections and components. It meets all the requirements of a perfect user manual in its best shape to help you effectively address your users’ needs and gain their trust and satisfaction. 


What exactly is a user manual and why is it so important?

User manuals could be in different forms such as user instruction manual, user guide, quick start guide, getting started guide, or technical communication manual.

how to

How to create a professional user manual

A user manual is a combination of textual and visual information to help a user understand and use a product properly. Therefore, while it mainly responds to HOW questions or procedural information as in how to get it started…


Why you should stop writing user manuals with Microsoft Word

Are you still writing your user manuals with word processors such as Microsoft Word? or are you still spending time searching for word user manual templates? Then you should probably read this 7-minute article before going ahead and downloading your word templates. We assure you this saves you a lot of time and energy, which all equal money in the business world. 


Internal, External, Product, Process, Technical, and User Documentation

What do manual and documentation mean? What’s a user manual? Is writing a user manual considered technical documentation? What are the differences between a training manual and an instruction manual? External and internal documentation? Product and process documentation? Have you always been confused with many terms referring to different kinds of documentation?


What is technical writing, and who is a technical writer

Generally, technical writing is documenting technical and professional information in different scientific, technical, and occupational fields. However, a significant area of technical writing is communicating technical information to non-professionals through an easy-to-understand language.